Incomplete Poems
experience the ritual baptism of the book
main TGRD site
...where it all started.
4.9.2013 do 24.4.2014 som pracoval na tajnom projekte TGRD. Začal som s ním,
keď ešte nikto nevedel, že tajne pracujem na novom projekte, ktorý sa mal
zavŕšiť fashion performance, ktorá mala byť pokračovaním môjho predošlého
projektu NEVĎAČNOSŤ 2013, ktorého témou bola “vina“.
momentu, keď som si prečítal prvú báseň od Williama Blakea, som si jeho
básnickú tvorbu obľúbil a ako bočný projekt, zatiaľčo som pripravoval svoj
projekt THE GREAT RED DRAGON, ktorý niesol tému “odpustenia“, rozhodol
som sa napísať krátku báseň pre každé písmeno z “The Great Red Dragon” ako
poctu Williamovi Blakeovi a jeho básnickemu dielu a taktiež ako navodenie a
definovanie atmosféry mojej vtedy pripravovanej fashion performance, ktorá bola
prvýkrát uvádzaná 26.4.2014 a vďaka kladnému diváckemu ohlasu bude znovu
uvedená 15.6.2014 v divadle elledanse.
báseň “N” nebola nikdy zverejnená. Hoci som sľúbil, že ju zverejním v deň, keď
sa performance uvádzala, nedodržal som slovo.
básni sa spoločne nazýva “TGRD – The Incomplete Poems” (TGRD – Nedokončené
mojím veľkým snom vydať moje Nedokončené básne ako malú knihu v limitovanom
množstve. Aby som tak vykonal, potrebujem vašu pomoc a odpoveď, či by bol o
malú publikáciu záujem…
sa budem snažiť vydať za každú cenu… závisí však len od vás, či to budú A4ky
zopnuté spinkovačom, alebo pekne zalomená malá kniha…
znovu vypustím Draka a možno… vďaka vašej pomoci vydám knihu ”The Incomplete
Poems” ako kompletnú - s básňou “N”, ktorá nebola doteraz nebola nikdy
ak máte projekt podporiť, kontaktujte ma:
4.9.2013 until 25.4.2014 I had been working on a secret project
called "TGRD". I began working on
this project without anyone’s knowledge, and it was intended to be a fashion
performance that would be a continuation of my previous show entitled “DISGRACE
2013”, which was based on the theme of “guilt”.
the very first poem of William Blake that I´ve read, I´ve adored his poetry and
as a side project while preparing my THE GREAT RED DRAGON show, which carries
the theme of "forgiveness" , I decided to write a short poem
for each letter of "The Great Red Dragon" as a tribute to master
William Blake and his work as a poet and as a portraiture of atmosphere for my
fashion performance, which was first premiered on 26.4.2014 and will be shown
for the second time on 15.6.2014.
final poem, "N", was never published. However, I had promised to
release it at the day of the performance, I did not keep my promise...
far, the collection of poems is called "TGRD - The Incomplete Poems".
is my greatest dream to publish my Incomplete Poems as a short book of
limited amount. To do so, I would need your support and answer, if there would
be any interest for this book.
I will release „The Dragon“ for the second time and possibly with your help, I
will publish "The Incomplete Poems" as complete with the last,
never previously seen poem "N".
if you want to support this project, contact me.
will be small gifts for each donation.
4. September 2013 23:35, Prečítané 482x, MAROSBARAN, Nezaradené
In the water you jumped down,
don´t ask me how to get back.
I am your emerald crown,
your body disappearing…
black, black, black.
10. September 2013 00:31, Prečítané 471x, MAROSBARAN, Nezaradené
Ups and downs,
what’s that sound?
Is it a smile?
Or is it a growl?
Down, below, down, down, how?
How did u, how did you fall? Now. Why do you
want, why to survive?
Do you really want to climb?
Climb, climb, climb, climb, climb…
13. September 2013 00:39, Prečítané 450x, MAROSBARAN, Nezaradené
Seeing past hurts, feeling future hurts,
frozen in the fire, in moment, XY stays,
golden mane of yours is throne.
Two shirts.
Two times blessed.
Twice to think about twicenotnice,
one little angry death.
6. Október 2013 19:03, Prečítané 504x, MAROSBARAN, Nezaradené
Girl in forest, red she was,
she was dancing, maybe running,
nobody believed in ghosts.
Now she is stunning,
flying in wind like those, like those…
Girl of Oz.
20. október 2013 22:26, Prečítané 371x, MAROSBARAN, Nezaradené
Seventeen lights and nine beasts,
jump up and find yourself down,
so you can jump once again,
to seduce holy priests.
It is a death of a clown.
“I see, I see…” she thinks,
while It bleeds.
7. november 2013 21:39, Prečítané 569x, MAROSBARAN, Nezaradené
Flowers everywhere.
My prey.
Sleep, sleep, sleep.
Rest your head.
Sleep, sleep well.
Demolished Hell.
Just not there…
I pray.
And when you wake up,
little one,
hopefully I will not be there.”
7. apríl 2014 12:18, Prečítané 407x, MAROSBARAN, Nezaradené
One is special
one is sad.
True is not -
not knowing why.
You will lose, lose
all you have.
Only then you won´t be sad.
Blessed my Dear, blessed..
As you are.
Now you tell me,
tell me now,
what is on your, your, my Dear,
8. apríl 2014 15:51, Prečítané 433x, MAROSBARAN, Nezaradené
You promised me to seduce the priest,
instead, you´ve found only me.
Every hand you touched so far,
burning flowers, yes they are.
Each flower alone burns,
burns, burns, burn,
only this way one can learn.
So learn my Dear,
learn and burn.
Until I wake up from this dream.
To God I will speak only.
Then you can call yourself -
Holy Sacred Cursing Priest
and I won´t seduce you, my Dear
I do, I do, I do promise.
Now sleep…
10. apríl 2014 00:28, Prečítané 416x, MAROSBARAN, Nezaradené
When night falls down,
you should sleep.
When you sleep,
night should be Red.
Is your dream deep?
Or are you just cruising…
Remember what I´ve said…
Up, up, up, up.
11. apríl 2014 01:31, Prečítané 323x, MAROSBARAN, Nezaradené
She wished to find some friend,
wandering around the forest.
She wished to find a lover,
so her sorrow could end.
She wished to find a teacher,
but already he passed away.
She wished to find herself,
however, she found only man.
And he was not friend,
nor lover,
and he could not teach her anything at all.
So she began to search again.
In forest, with sorrow, against the Death.
She is wandering, since then.
Not knowing that the Forest could be too big…
for her.
Are you wandering, or sitting on chair?
Who are you?
Teacher, friend or lover? Or all things together?
As I... am?
15. apríl 2014 14:28, Prečítané 413x, MAROSBARAN, Nezaradené
D is half but O is full,
be awaken at tonight´s full moon.
Something sleeps now, something dreams,
silent fire, my sweet Dear,
released will be, tonight, yes it will.
Three mute guardians carry Code.
Forgiveness is what you seek.
I seek also… when heart slowed.
However, until we break the dream,
sleep, my Dear,
sleep, sleep, sleep, sleep, sleep, sleep, sleep.
Little time until you´ll understand the fear,
eternity until you forgive.
I forgive you and you forgive me.
Wait, wait, wait!
When you´ll see smoke,
it will be me.
21. apríl 2014 12:06, Prečítané 300x, MAROSBARAN, Nezaradené
When you´ll see smoke,
it will be me.
I forgive you, you forgive me.
Clouds will cover castle cursed,
what mighty once was,
now are only ruins.
Like you…
Ashes and flowers
wedding will fuse.
Like you…
So tell me something
and I will be mute.
Like you…
And clouds will happen smoke to be.
Day when you will wake up is coming.
So scream, my Dear, scream, scream, scream.
I will wait.
Like you…
waiting for me.
22. apríl 2014 11:08, Prečítané 272x, MAROSBARAN, Nezaradené
- Why the tears?
Well… why the tears… I was hoping you to see.
You and others, as you promised…
However at the end, there will be only empty sea.
And all would be perfectly fine,
if nobody would mention the possibility to come.
Because I was not really expecting,
but when you spoke, I started to dream.
That´s why tears, my Dear.
So let me weep
my cruel fate,
and sigh for liberty.
May sorrow break these chains
Of my sufferings, for pity’s sake.
I shall be released again!
And my Virgil shall be Blake!
After all, you´re in my heart…
so there´s nothing to be afraid.
23. apríl 2014 20:48, Prečítané 262x, MAROSBARAN, Nezaradené
And go
and run
and smile
and laugh
and cry
and weep
and be.
Then I will explain you that
you are not only one to carry pain,
my Dear.
24. apríl 2014 17:20, Prečítané 774x, MAROSBARAN, Nezaradené
If you try to understand
I will give you a rose.
If you try to believe
I will give you blue heart doe´s.
If you try to see,
I might disappear,
but it doesn´t matter at all.
Because you are not going to be alone.
You will be with yourself,
with an Emerald Crown.
25. apríl 2014 09:16, Prečítané 338x, MAROSBARAN, Nezaradené
Angels stopped fighting
love is not coming.
Wishing me best,
who´s chosen the date?
We only forget things that are not important for
This is not life, only one cursed glance back.
O became Zero,
and could have become so much more…
Devils are coming…
And I shall greet them all.
With heart open and soul.
You shall not pass.
Incomplete Poems
experience the ritual baptism of the book
main TGRD site
...where it all started.
main TGRD site
...where it all started.
4.9.2013 do 24.4.2014 som pracoval na tajnom projekte TGRD. Začal som s ním,
keď ešte nikto nevedel, že tajne pracujem na novom projekte, ktorý sa mal
zavŕšiť fashion performance, ktorá mala byť pokračovaním môjho predošlého
projektu NEVĎAČNOSŤ 2013, ktorého témou bola “vina“.
momentu, keď som si prečítal prvú báseň od Williama Blakea, som si jeho
básnickú tvorbu obľúbil a ako bočný projekt, zatiaľčo som pripravoval svoj
projekt THE GREAT RED DRAGON, ktorý niesol tému “odpustenia“, rozhodol
som sa napísať krátku báseň pre každé písmeno z “The Great Red Dragon” ako
poctu Williamovi Blakeovi a jeho básnickemu dielu a taktiež ako navodenie a
definovanie atmosféry mojej vtedy pripravovanej fashion performance, ktorá bola
prvýkrát uvádzaná 26.4.2014 a vďaka kladnému diváckemu ohlasu bude znovu
uvedená 15.6.2014 v divadle elledanse.
báseň “N” nebola nikdy zverejnená. Hoci som sľúbil, že ju zverejním v deň, keď
sa performance uvádzala, nedodržal som slovo.
básni sa spoločne nazýva “TGRD – The Incomplete Poems” (TGRD – Nedokončené
mojím veľkým snom vydať moje Nedokončené básne ako malú knihu v limitovanom
množstve. Aby som tak vykonal, potrebujem vašu pomoc a odpoveď, či by bol o
malú publikáciu záujem…
sa budem snažiť vydať za každú cenu… závisí však len od vás, či to budú A4ky
zopnuté spinkovačom, alebo pekne zalomená malá kniha…
znovu vypustím Draka a možno… vďaka vašej pomoci vydám knihu ”The Incomplete
Poems” ako kompletnú - s básňou “N”, ktorá nebola doteraz nebola nikdy
ak máte projekt podporiť, kontaktujte ma:
4.9.2013 until 25.4.2014 I had been working on a secret project
called "TGRD". I began working on
this project without anyone’s knowledge, and it was intended to be a fashion
performance that would be a continuation of my previous show entitled “DISGRACE
2013”, which was based on the theme of “guilt”.
the very first poem of William Blake that I´ve read, I´ve adored his poetry and
as a side project while preparing my THE GREAT RED DRAGON show, which carries
the theme of "forgiveness" , I decided to write a short poem
for each letter of "The Great Red Dragon" as a tribute to master
William Blake and his work as a poet and as a portraiture of atmosphere for my
fashion performance, which was first premiered on 26.4.2014 and will be shown
for the second time on 15.6.2014.
final poem, "N", was never published. However, I had promised to
release it at the day of the performance, I did not keep my promise...
far, the collection of poems is called "TGRD - The Incomplete Poems".
is my greatest dream to publish my Incomplete Poems as a short book of
limited amount. To do so, I would need your support and answer, if there would
be any interest for this book.
I will release „The Dragon“ for the second time and possibly with your help, I
will publish "The Incomplete Poems" as complete with the last,
never previously seen poem "N".
if you want to support this project, contact me.
will be small gifts for each donation.
4. September 2013 23:35, Prečítané 482x, MAROSBARAN, Nezaradené
In the water you jumped down,
don´t ask me how to get back.
I am your emerald crown,
your body disappearing…
black, black, black.
10. September 2013 00:31, Prečítané 471x, MAROSBARAN, Nezaradené
Ups and downs,
what’s that sound?
Is it a smile?
Or is it a growl?
Down, below, down, down, how?
How did u, how did you fall? Now. Why do you
want, why to survive?
Do you really want to climb?
Climb, climb, climb, climb, climb…
13. September 2013 00:39, Prečítané 450x, MAROSBARAN, Nezaradené
Seeing past hurts, feeling future hurts,
frozen in the fire, in moment, XY stays,
golden mane of yours is throne.
Two shirts.
Two times blessed.
Twice to think about twicenotnice,
one little angry death.
6. Október 2013 19:03, Prečítané 504x, MAROSBARAN, Nezaradené
Girl in forest, red she was,
she was dancing, maybe running,
nobody believed in ghosts.
Now she is stunning,
flying in wind like those, like those…
Girl of Oz.
20. október 2013 22:26, Prečítané 371x, MAROSBARAN, Nezaradené
Seventeen lights and nine beasts,
jump up and find yourself down,
so you can jump once again,
to seduce holy priests.
It is a death of a clown.
“I see, I see…” she thinks,
while It bleeds.
7. november 2013 21:39, Prečítané 569x, MAROSBARAN, Nezaradené
Flowers everywhere.
My prey.
Sleep, sleep, sleep.
Rest your head.
Sleep, sleep well.
Demolished Hell.
Just not there…
I pray.
And when you wake up,
little one,
hopefully I will not be there.”
7. apríl 2014 12:18, Prečítané 407x, MAROSBARAN, Nezaradené
One is special
one is sad.
True is not -
not knowing why.
You will lose, lose
all you have.
Only then you won´t be sad.
Blessed my Dear, blessed..
As you are.
Now you tell me,
tell me now,
what is on your, your, my Dear,
8. apríl 2014 15:51, Prečítané 433x, MAROSBARAN, Nezaradené
You promised me to seduce the priest,
instead, you´ve found only me.
Every hand you touched so far,
burning flowers, yes they are.
Each flower alone burns,
burns, burns, burn,
only this way one can learn.
So learn my Dear,
learn and burn.
Until I wake up from this dream.
To God I will speak only.
Then you can call yourself -
Holy Sacred Cursing Priest
and I won´t seduce you, my Dear
I do, I do, I do promise.
Now sleep…
10. apríl 2014 00:28, Prečítané 416x, MAROSBARAN, Nezaradené
When night falls down,
you should sleep.
When you sleep,
night should be Red.
Is your dream deep?
Or are you just cruising…
Remember what I´ve said…
Up, up, up, up.
11. apríl 2014 01:31, Prečítané 323x, MAROSBARAN, Nezaradené
She wished to find some friend,
wandering around the forest.
She wished to find a lover,
so her sorrow could end.
She wished to find a teacher,
but already he passed away.
She wished to find herself,
however, she found only man.
And he was not friend,
nor lover,
and he could not teach her anything at all.
So she began to search again.
In forest, with sorrow, against the Death.
She is wandering, since then.
Not knowing that the Forest could be too big…
for her.
Are you wandering, or sitting on chair?
Who are you?
Teacher, friend or lover? Or all things together?
As I... am?
15. apríl 2014 14:28, Prečítané 413x, MAROSBARAN, Nezaradené
D is half but O is full,
be awaken at tonight´s full moon.
Something sleeps now, something dreams,
silent fire, my sweet Dear,
released will be, tonight, yes it will.
Three mute guardians carry Code.
Forgiveness is what you seek.
I seek also… when heart slowed.
However, until we break the dream,
sleep, my Dear,
sleep, sleep, sleep, sleep, sleep, sleep, sleep.
Little time until you´ll understand the fear,
eternity until you forgive.
I forgive you and you forgive me.
Wait, wait, wait!
When you´ll see smoke,
it will be me.
21. apríl 2014 12:06, Prečítané 300x, MAROSBARAN, Nezaradené
When you´ll see smoke,
it will be me.
I forgive you, you forgive me.
Clouds will cover castle cursed,
what mighty once was,
now are only ruins.
Like you…
Ashes and flowers
wedding will fuse.
Like you…
So tell me something
and I will be mute.
Like you…
And clouds will happen smoke to be.
Day when you will wake up is coming.
So scream, my Dear, scream, scream, scream.
I will wait.
Like you…
waiting for me.
22. apríl 2014 11:08, Prečítané 272x, MAROSBARAN, Nezaradené
- Why the tears?
Well… why the tears… I was hoping you to see.
You and others, as you promised…
However at the end, there will be only empty sea.
And all would be perfectly fine,
if nobody would mention the possibility to come.
Because I was not really expecting,
but when you spoke, I started to dream.
That´s why tears, my Dear.
So let me weep
my cruel fate,
and sigh for liberty.
May sorrow break these chains
Of my sufferings, for pity’s sake.
I shall be released again!
And my Virgil shall be Blake!
After all, you´re in my heart…
so there´s nothing to be afraid.
23. apríl 2014 20:48, Prečítané 262x, MAROSBARAN, Nezaradené
And go
and run
and smile
and laugh
and cry
and weep
and be.
Then I will explain you that
you are not only one to carry pain,
my Dear.
24. apríl 2014 17:20, Prečítané 774x, MAROSBARAN, Nezaradené
If you try to understand
I will give you a rose.
If you try to believe
I will give you blue heart doe´s.
If you try to see,
I might disappear,
but it doesn´t matter at all.
Because you are not going to be alone.
You will be with yourself,
with an Emerald Crown.
25. apríl 2014 09:16, Prečítané 338x, MAROSBARAN, Nezaradené
Angels stopped fighting
love is not coming.
Wishing me best,
who´s chosen the date?
We only forget things that are not important for
This is not life, only one cursed glance back.
O became Zero,
and could have become so much more…
Devils are coming…
And I shall greet them all.
With heart open and soul.
You shall not pass.
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